Helping Ourselves through Peer Support & Employment

About QuicKlean

Work Matters…

Work is important and it is often in our society how we measure worth.  Too often people with mental health problems are left out of the workforce, not because they don’t want to work or are not able to,  but often because stigma and discrimination and a loss in self confidence gets in the way.  Work provides us with a sense of purpose and meaning, it forms part of our social identity and is where we develop our friendships and supports.  Work also gives us the resources we need to participate in our community. Not working damages our self-esteem and confidence.  Work also helps us with our recovery from mental illness.

Creating Work Opportunities…

Consumer economic development initiatives are a way that consumers have overcome the barriers to employment – by creating their own work!  Over its history, H.O.P.E. has helped to employ over 70 people to do meaningful paid work.   In the past we have operated a restaurant/catering business, a video capture service and a janitorial business, moving business and thrift store.

Currently we operate QuicKlean that provides meaningful casual part-time (on-call) employment for people living with mental health issues in Brant County.


At QuicKlean we train employees to perform their work carefully, professionally and safely and support them in their return to employment in the private sector if that is their goal.

This supportive and structured work environment allows consumer / survivors to get back on their feet, supplement their income, gain support from their peers, increase their self confidence and become more aware and confident of their abilities.

The team work approach produces a positive work environment that results in quality, reliable services.

Building on peer support, we help people overcome the internal and external barriers that make work challenging. We teach people important work skills and support them when the going gets tough.  We provide our customers competitive rates and deliver high quality service.

QuicKlean offers the following services:

  • Apartment Restorations
  • Basement / Garage Clean Outs & Disposal
  • Residential Clean Outs Due to Hoarding
  • Painting and Drywall
  • Plumbing  Repairs
  • Outdoor Maintenance / Yard Work

If you would like to inquire about our services, contact our Business Manager, Dick Kwist by calling: 519-717-1405 or by email: